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Michael Lotus

Of Counsel

Michael Lotus is an attorney with over twenty years experience in complex litigation matters.  After law school, Mike clerked for Judge Michael Kanne of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.  Mike was a partner at Winston & Strawn in Chicago, working on complex commercial and tort cases, and counsel at Schiff Hardin in Chicago working on multi-million dollar construction disputes.  Mike also spent several years working on asbestos cases, and at a plaintiff's side class action firm.  In 2010 he joined the Howard Law Firm, LLC, a successful start-up firm, which practices in commercial and construction litigation, including complex insurance coverage disputes.  Mike joined David Christian Attorneys LLC in 2014, bringing his broad background, knowledge and varied experience to bear on the firm's bankruptcy, restructuring and complex commercial matters.



J.D., Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington, IN (1993)

B.A., University of Chicago, Chicago, IL (1985) (major in Economics)



Michael Lotus is a member in good standing of the Illinois state bar, Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, Northern District of Illinois, and Northern District of Illinois Bankruptcy courts.​​​​​


Selected Presentations

  • "America 3.0 and the Future of the Legal Profession," presented to the University of Chicago Law School Federalist Society, John Marshall Law School Federalist Society, Indianapolis Lawyers Chapter of the Federalist Society and the Washburn University School of Law Federalist Society

  • "Centralizing and Decentralizing Tendencies in the United States and the Role of the Tenth Amendment," AFEA (The French Association for American Studies, Association Francaise d'Etudes Americaines) 2014 Conference, New Sorbonne University, Paris, France  (2014)

  • "America 3.0", The Heartland Institute, Chicago, IL (2013)


Selected Publications

  • America 3.0: Rebooting American Prosperity in the 21st Century - Why America's Greatest Days Are Yet to Come (with James C. Bennett) (Encounter Books, 2013)

  • "America, England, Europe - Why Do We Differ?," Hungarian Review, Vol. IV, No. 6 (November 28, 2013) (with James C. Bennett)

  • "A Rejoinder to George Schopflin," Hungarian Review, Vol. V, No. 1 (March 2014) (with James C. Bennett)



  • America 3.0, a course for first year students at University of California, Irvine, Spring 2014.



  • Associate Specialist in the Department of Economics​, University of California, Irvine.

  • Policy advisor for legal affairs at the Heartland Institute in Chicago.



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